Details of the paper

Title Carpoideen sind frühe Chordatiere [Carpoids are early chordates]
Year: 2002
Language: German
Source: Fossilien, 19, Heft 4, S. 216, 217
Keywords: Hunsrückschiefer, Carpoideen, Chordatier, taxonomische Stellung, Mitrat, ?Dalejocystis (Mitrocystites), Rhenocystis
Summary: Dr. R.P.S. Jefferies from the Natural History Museum in London visited in August 2001 German museums and Bundenbach looking for mitrates and their locomotion traces in the Hunsrück slate. It became obvious that, as well as Rhenocystis latipedunculata, a second species of mitrate exists, namely ?Dalejocystis (Mitrocystites) styloidea. Jefferies saw in my collection also the so-called ährenförmigen Fährten, which were possibly produced by mitrates. Photo: W. Harre
Reaction 1: In a readers letter (in Fossilien, 19, volume 4, pp. 328, 329) mr. Bülow points out, that according to the taxonomic relationship of the mitrates, there are recently more profound arguments for the assignment to the chordates.


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